By John Bradley
The Claverack and Taghkanic Climate Smart Committees and the Claverack Free Library held an educational event on Saturday May 27: Sustainable Garden Design with Native Plants. The event drew an enthusiastic crowd of over 110 people! The event was organized by Climate Smart Committee Co-chair Katy Flammia and included a panel of six landscape designers from Claverack and neighboring communities, who brought broad experience, expertise, and humor to the discussion. We continue to be thankful to Heather Grimes, Peter Bevacqua, Shanti Nagel, Tim Kennelty, Robert Anderson, and Jamie Purinton for sharing their time and expertise.
This event followed the community viewing of a popular video, Nature at Home, which was shown at the Taghkanic Fire Hall in January and at the Claverack Library on Earth Day in April. In the video, entomologist and conservation biologist Doug Tallamy describes the critical importance of a diverse ecosystem, the serious threats to biodiversity that we face and, most important, concrete actions that each of us can take to make a real difference in maintaining and improving the health of our local ecosystems. Versions of this video have been shown in several towns around the County.
We are excited by the growing recognition of the importance of both citizen and town action to address climate and move toward sustainability.
Links for materials related to the Sustainable Garden Design event on May 27, 2023:
Go to to find the video recordings of both the Sustainable Garden Design with Native Plants: A Panel Discussion and Nature at Home
An IMBY post promoted and explained the event and video’s importance for addressing climate change -